FIFA 14 Review And Test

More beautiful, more immersive, but also slightly more arcade: FIFA began its transformation this year on the new generation of consoles with FIFA 14. The transition is not as dramatic as between FIFA 07 and FIFA 08, but it can already get an overview of the technical potential of football games tomorrow.

Ignite on grass
A small half-time controller in hand, and that's all. It was simply just to enjoy FIFA 14 on the booth at E3, where four terminals had been taken over by all European media could count the living room. Electronic Arts has mostly taken care of getting a message, preceding access to the game a long technical demonstration of the new Ignite engine. Support decision-support and against, swaying, dodging, strikes and passes different surfaces of the foot, or improvised events to avoid a tackle or intercept a ball: the reconstruction of the physical footballers go away, and gives the impression manage much more than a head and two legs as has long been the case.

A look at the playable versions suddenly allowed to see the demo of the engine running on a workstation. In game, FIFA 2014 was a little less impressive, if only because the standard camera obviously lends itself less close-ups love. However, technically, the game we made a mixed impression. In some aspects, it is stunning. Reconstitution of the Camp Nou, for example, was incredible details and life.

The Temple of footbal

E3 2013> FIFA 14, our impressions of Xbox One - Screenshot éditeurJamais memory player, a simulation was so conveyed the impression of change at the center of a giant cauldron under the feverish eyes of tens and tens of thousands of spectators. The first row behind the screens on the upper tiers, with a little more sparse seats, to the cameramen on the bottom of the lawn, not to mention the flags and banners of Atletico hanging here and there in the gallery visitors, the stadium had a staggering degree of finish. And yet, EA claims to have modeled not only inside but also outside and ... around the stadium!

Another impressive element, the recovery of certain players. This is obviously a cream pie at each hop generation, but yes, in the form entitled, "The face of the players has never looked so realistic." Iniesta is such that in itself impeccably modeled Messi, but Neymar is most impressive. Although with her hair shaped tail ferret peroxide, neo-Barcelona offered the publisher a royal challenge. And less idle, the game gives the opportunity to admire the creation of capillary young Brazilian prodigy almost strand by strand in motion. Add some details of staging welcome, as the guardian who picks six meters juggling, or replay of goals in stoppage time, and the connection with the TV broadcasts have reached a new stage.

Excess perfection

However, FIFA 14 does not impress at all levels. The main disappointment starts when the game starts. Of course, the record is much thinner than previous HD consoles, the colors more vibrant, and more fluid animation. But some details frustrate, first and foremost the lawn, which seen from above, looks like a smooth and even billiards. Not the slightest roughness, no trace of it, the land has made just too clean to be believable. Certainly, it is the Camp Nou, not Francis-Le Ble Stadium, but the same criticism can be applied to players.

Their faces are screaming realism, but their skin is smooth to the point of making them look like plastic figurines on replays. Last element of frustration, some micro-stuttering, fortunately rare, sometimes appeared. Overall, FIFA 14 is certainly more impressive than its cousins ​​on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, and it happens to be jaw-dropping at first contact. But to compare what is not comparable, it does not have the same degree of finish that Forza 5, more homogeneous and bluffing.

Beauty and the beast

E3 2013> FIFA 14, our impressions of Xbox One - Screenshot éditeurManette in hand, fans of FIFA 13 will be only mildly disoriented. The new vintage 2014 are similar to the HD version: more inertia in the movement of players, many new animations that highlight the physical presence and agility of these, the most frequent misunderstandings between the ball carrier and teammates. However, it seemed that the passes were much more punchy than Xbox 360 - while their relative weakness, or at least difficult to adjust, was one of the most interesting angles of this wine. Our half ended with a score of 1-1 unexpected, as the two goals scored gave additional tracks on FIFA 14.

The first achievement? A superb strike Neymar 30 meters, after which a floating path is gone die into the side netting of Atletico. Ideal for enjoying one of the promises of EA: the introduction of much more varied shots in their power and trajectory. Equalization, she would have wanted any esthete tear globes: a ridiculous game of billiards with Valdes out to meet Falcao, and Puyol, who had to overcome on his defensive stroke which allowed the Colombian striker to come finish the job on the way with the ball in the empty net, to the dismay of our opponent of the day. A gag order in gauging the new engine ball now much more independent of the players' feet, giving rise to countless changes of ownership in a larger physical combat, but also to pro-against unexpected.

Back cloakroom

Virtual 45 minutes later FIFA 14 Xbox version so lets collect a One moved smoothly. In development for two years, the title is still room for improvement in some areas, but the generation gap is obvious and dumping worth seeing. The playable version was completed to 70%. It will obviously be able to play a little more than a half-time in order to confirm its provisions. The title is scheduled for late September on current platforms, and later on the new consoles.

1 comment:

  1. A small half-time controller in hand, and that's all. It was simply Fifa 14 Coins and just to enjoy FIFA 14 on the booth at E3, where four terminals had been taken over by all European media could count the living room. Electronic Arts has mostly taken care of getting a message, preceding access to the game a long technical demonstration of the new Ignite engine. Support decision-support and against, swaying, dodging, strikes and passes different surfaces of the foot, or improvised events to avoid a tackle or intercept a ball: the reconstruction of the physical footballers go away, and gives the impression manage much more than a head and two legs as has long been the case.
